Good morning, loyal readers!
Well, hopefully that’ll change. I wanted to talk about a couple of things quickly. I’m taking some time away from home and doing a self-directed writing residency with the hopes of churning out a lot of work on the sequel to Crystal Promise. I’m also hoping to finish my website with some of that time, which means that the entire blog will be moving to That being said, I didn’t want the blog to fall silent in the meantime. Chapters of Chasing Lucifer will still be posted on Mondays (or sometimes Tuesdays, or Wednesdays) until the story is finished. There are probably about three or four chapters to go.
However, in the interest of practicing some non-stressful writing that doesn’t involve novels, and because I want to keep the blog active, and because I think it would be fun, I’m going to post a little thing every day (except Mondays) that I like to call:
Songs That I Never Get Tired Of
Every day I plan on posting a song from my playlist that I never get tired of listening to. I will disseminate the song slightly, and explain what I love about the music (and often the artist) so much. Feel free to comment and share some of your favourite songs as I go along! I love picking up new music.
Yes, I know the song is twenty minutes long. Yes, I know it’s based loosely on an Ayn Rand novel. The point is, it’s an awesome twenty minutes.
How many times does a piece of music tell a complete story, complete with ups and downs? The beauty of the song is that it has time to go through several sections, and the music will *change* completely, as well as return to previous themes in sort of a leitmotif-esque fashion.
Driving drum beats on the snare and toms and incredible guitar solos are a staple of Rush. I could talk about the band’s talents all day long, and I still haven’t figured out how Geddy Lee can belt out some of those notes. What makes ‘2112’ special is that it tells a story, a story about music. Seriously, if you’ve never listened to 2112, you’re missing out. Concept song/albums like this are hard to find these days, perhaps because the heyday of prog rock has completely come and gone.
As a writer, I love a song that tells a story…and the longer the story, the better. There’s no hook, no banal chorus…Rush has always been about the art rather than the industry, and it shows in their style. If you haven’t discovered Rush yet, you’re missing an important part of music history. At the very least, take twenty minutes aside and listen to ‘2112’.
I like to picture the entire song being told as a story animated in the style of ‘Heavy Metal’
-James Funfer
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